4D v14

Progress QUIT


4D v14
Progress QUIT

Progress QUIT 


Progress QUIT ( id ) 
Parameter Type   Description
id  Longint in ID of progress bar

The Progress QUIT method closes the progress bar referenced by the id parameter.

If id designates the only progress bar displayed, the progress window is also closed (as well as the local process). Otherwise, the window is resized so that it only contains the progress bars that are still open.


If the bar named "Copying folder 3" has the ID number 3:

 Progress QUIT(3)

If a progress window is already open when this method is called, this window is resized so that it shows a new progress bar under the previous one(s) in the same process:


Product: 4D
Theme: Progress bars



4D Progress ( 4D v14)
4D Progress ( 4D v13)
4D Progress ( 4D v14 R2)
4D Progress ( 4D v14 R3)
4D Progress ( 4D v14 R4)