4D v14.3Drop position |
4D v14.3
Drop position
Drop position
The Drop position command can be used to find out the location, in a “complex” destination object, where an object has been (dragged and) dropped. Typically, you will use Drop position when handling a drag and drop event that occurred over an array, a list box, a hierarchical list or a text or picture field.
If you call Drop position when handling an event that is not a drag-and-drop event and that occurred over an array a list box, a combo box, a hierarchical list, a text or a picture, the command returns -1. Important: A form object accepts dropped data if its Droppable property has been selected. Also, its object method must be activated for On Drag Over and/or On Drop, in order to process these events. See the examples for the DRAG AND DROP PROPERTIES command. In the following example, a list of amounts paid must be broken down per month and per person. This is carried out by drag and drop from a scrollable area: The list box object method contains the following code: Case of |
Product: 4D
Modified: 4D v11 SQL SEE ALSO
4D Language Reference ( 4D v14 R3) Inherited from : Drop position ( 4D v11 SQL Release 6) |