4D v14.3

Description of formula editor


4D v14.3
Description of formula editor

Description of formula editor  



The Formula editor provides many shortcuts for writing formulas. You can click field names, operators and commands, as well as any project methods, to add them to the formula. When you click on an item, it is automatically displayed in the editing area where you can then modify it using standard cut/copy/paste functions. You can also enter items directly in the editing area or drag and drop them from the list of items.

The Formula editor contains the following areas:

  • List of tables and fields: This area displays the fields of the table. The menu located above the list lets you set the fields to be displayed. You can use fields of the current table, those of related tables or those of all the tables.
    Note: Tables and fields with the Invisible property do not appear in the list. For more information about this property, refer to the “Attributes” section in Table properties and Field properties.
  • Operators list: The operators list lets you choose the operators to be used in the formula. The operators are grouped into themes found in the menu located above the list:

    Each theme displays all the available operators for the corresponding type of data or operation. For example, the assignment operator := is available for all data types. For a description of each operator, refer to the following section. 
  • Commands list: The commands list contains the 4D functions that can be used in formulas, as well as any project methods allowed by the developer. The menu located above the list lets you display the commands by theme or by alphabetical order. Refer to the 4D Language Reference manual for a description of the 4D commands that appear in this menu.
    In principle, project methods that can be used in formulas must be declared beforehand using the 4D SET ALLOWED METHODS command. However, by default, the Designer and Administrator of the database have complete access to the 4D commands and user methods in the Formula editor. It is also possible to completely disable access control for all users. These options are set on the Security page of the Database settings.

Here is a brief description of the different operators available in the Formula editor. For a more detailed description of the possibilities provided by these operators, refer to the Operators chapter of the 4D Language Reference manual. 

  • String Operators
    A and B are character strings; N is a number.
    := AssignmentA:=BAssigns the value B to A
    + ConcatenationA+BReturns AB
    * RepetitionA*NRepeats the value of A N times
    [[ ]] Indexes[[A]]NReturns the Nth character of A
    "" Empty string""Inserts a pair of quotation marks
  • Numeric Operators
    X and Y are numbers.
    := AssignmentX:=YAssigns the value Y to X
    + AdditionX+YReturns X plus Y
    - SubtractionX-YReturns X minus Y
    * MultiplicationX*YReturns X multiplied by Y
    / DivisionX/YReturns X divided by Y
    \ Integer DivisionX\YReturns the integer division of X by Y (X and Y must be integers)
    % ModuloX%YDivides X by Y and returns the remainder
    ^ ExponentiationX^YReturns X to the power of Y

Note: The modulo % operator returns significant values with numbers belonging to the long integer category (from -2^31 to +2^31 minus 1). To calculate the modulo of numbers outside of this interval, use the Mod command. 

  • Date Operators
    D1 and D2 are dates; N is a number.
    := AssignmentD1:=D2Assigns the value D2 to D1
    + AdditionD1+NReturns D1 plus N days
    - DifferenceD1-D2 orReturns the number of days between D1 and D2
    D1-NReturns D1 minus N days
    !//! Blank date!00/00/00!Inserts a blank date
  • Time Operators
    H1 and H2 are times; N is a number.
    := AssignmentH1:=H2Assigns the value H2 to H1
    + AdditionH1+H2 orReturns H1 plus H2
    H1+NReturns H1 plus N seconds, expressed in seconds elapsed since midnight
    - SubtractionH1-H2 orReturns H1 minus H2
    H1-NReturns H1 minus N seconds, expressed in seconds elapsed since midnight
    * MultiplicationH1*NReturns H1 multiplied by N, expressed in seconds elapsed since midnight
    / DivisionH1/NReturns H1 divided by N, expressed in seconds elapsed since midnight
    \ Integer DivisionH1\NReturns the integer division of H1 by N, expressed in seconds elapsed since midnight
    % ModuloH1%NDivides H1 by N and returns the remainder
    ?::? Blank hour?00:00:00?Inserts a blank hour
  • Comparison Operators
    Z1 and Z2 can be of the string, numeric, date or time type.
    = EqualZ1=Z2Returns True if Z1 equals Z2
    # Not equalZ1#Z2Returns True if Z1 does not equal Z2
    > Greater thanZ1>DReturns True if Z1 is greater than Z2
    >= Greater than or equal toZ1>=Z2Returns True if Z1 is greater than or equal to Z2
    < Less thanZ1<Z2Returns True if Z1 is less than Z2
    <= Less than or equal toZ1<=Z2Returns True if Z1 is less than or equal to Z2
  • Logical Operators
    B1 and B2 must be Booleans (expressions that are TRUE or FALSE)
    & ANDB1 & B2Returns True if B1 is True and B2 is True
    | ORB1 | B2Returns True if B1 is True or B2 is True


Product: 4D
Theme: Formula editor


4D Design Reference ( 4D v14 R2)
4D Design Reference ( 4D v13.4)
4D Design Reference ( 4D v14 R3)
4D Design Reference ( 4D v14.3)
4D Design Reference ( 4D v14 R4)

Parent of : Description of formula editor ( 4D v12.4)