4D v14.1ODBC_SQLDrivers |
4D v14.1
The ODBC_SQLDrivers command lists driver descriptions and driver attribute keywords. The direction parameter determines which driver in the Driver Manager list to retrieve and can be one of the following values:
driverDescription is the description of the driver, such as "SQL Server", "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)", and "Microsoft ODBC for Oracle". driverAttributes returns the list of driver attribute pairs, such as "UsageCount", "SQLLevel", "FileUsage", "DirverODBCVer", "ConnectFunctions", "APILevel", "CPTimeout", and "FileExtns" along with their values, such as "UsageCount=2" and each pair is delimited by a Char(0). For more information, please see the SQLDrivers function in the MS ODBC API Reference at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms712400(VS.85).aspx. SQL_SUCCESS, SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, SQL_NO_DATA, SQL_ERROR, or SQL_INVALID_HANDLE. The following method puts the driver description in one array and the driver's attribute value pairs into two-dimensional arrays: ARRAY TEXT(arDriverDesc;0) Here is the code for the ParseDriverAttributePairs method: ` Method: ParseDriverAttributePairs |
Product: 4D
Created: 4D ODBC Pro 2004 ARTICLE USAGE
4D ODBC Pro ( 4D ODBC Pro v11.4) |