4D Write v14

WR Get selected picture


4D Write v14
WR Get selected picture

WR Get selected picture 


WR Get selected picture ( area ; status ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
area  Longint in 4D Write area
status  Integer in Picture status
Function result  Picture in Selected picture

The WR Get selected picture command returns a copy of the picture currently selected in the 4D Write area referenced by area.

The status parameter can return any of the following values:

  • If status = -1, no picture is selected.
  • If status = 0, the selected picture is in the text flow.
  • If status > 0, the selected picture is in the page.

status can help you identify the picture when using WR GET PICTURE IN PAGE INFO, WR SET PICTURE IN PAGE INFO or WR DELETE PICTURE IN PAGE.


See the example for the WR SET PICTURE IN PAGE INFO command.


Product: 4D Write
Theme: WR Picture Control
Number: 89470


Created: 4D Write 6.5


4D Write Language ( 4D Write v11.6)
4D Write Language ( 4D Write v12)
4D Write Language ( 4D Write v14)
4D Write Language ( 4D v13)
4D Write Language ( 4D Write v14 R2)
4D Write Language ( 4D Write v14 R3)
4D Write Language ( 4D Write v14 R4)