4D View v14

PV Get picture property


4D View v14
PV Get picture property

PV Get picture property 


PV Get picture property ( area ; picNum ; property ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
area  Longint in 4D View area
picNum  Longint in Picture number
property  Longint in Property number
Function result  Longint in Property value

The PV Get picture property command returns the value of property for the picture of area set by picNum.

The PV Picture properties constants are used to define the properties:

Constant Type Value
pv picture background Longint 8
pv picture column Longint 0
pv picture data height Longint 5
pv picture data width Longint 4
pv picture display height Longint 7
pv picture display width Longint 6
pv picture fixed size Longint 10
pv picture hor offset Longint 2
pv picture locked Longint 11
pv picture mapping mode Longint 9
pv picture row Longint 1
pv picture vert offset Longint 3

You can also use the PV Picture mapping mode theme to compare the returned value, once you pass the pv picture mapping mode value in the property parameter:

Constant Type Value
pv mapping replicated Longint 3
pv mapping scaled centered prop Longint 6
pv mapping scaled to fit Longint 5
pv mapping scaled to fit prop Longint 4
pv mapping trunc non-centered Longint 1
pv mapping truncated centered Longint 2


This method displays information relating to picture number 1.

 C_INTEGER($Index`Loop index for properties arrays
 C_LONGINT($Value`Value corresponding to the option
 ARRAY STRING($PropertiesCodes;12) `Properties codes
 ARRAY STRING(80;$PropertiesLabels;12) `Properties labels
  `Initialize properties arrays
 $PropertiesCodes{1}:=pv picture column
 $PropertiesLabels{1}:="Reference column"
 $PropertiesCodes{2}:=pv picture row
 $PropertiesLabels{2}:="Reference row"
 $PropertiesCodes{3}:=pv picture horz offset
 $PropertiesLabels{3}:="Décalage H"
 $PropertiesCodes{4}:=pv picture vert offset
 $PropertiesLabels{4}:="V offset"
 $PropertiesCodes{5}:=pv picture data width
 $PropertiesLabels{5}:="Real width"
 $PropertiesCodes{6}:=pv picture data height
 $PropertiesLabels{6}:="Real height"
 $PropertiesCodes{7}:=pv picture display width
 $PropertiesLabels{7}:="Display width"
 $PropertiesCodes{8}:=pv picture display height
 $PropertiesLabels{8}:="Display height"
 $PropertiesCodes{9}:=pv picture background
 $PropertiesCodes{10}:=pv picture mapping mode
 $PropertiesCodes{11}:=pv picture fixed size
 $PropertiesLabels{11}:="Sixed size"
 $PropertiesCodes{12}:=pv picture locked
 $PictureInfo:="Picture number 1 information:"+Character(Carriage return)
 For($Index;1;12) `Review the different properties
    $Value:=PV Get picture property(Area;1;$PropertiesCodes{$Index}) `Read property
    $PictureInfo:=$PictureInfo+$PropertiesLabels{$Index}+" : "+String($Value)+". " `Update info
 End for
 ALERT($PictureInfo`Display info


Product: 4D View
Theme: PV Pictures
Number: 15863


Created: 4D View 6.8




4D View Language ( 4D View v11.4)
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4D View Language ( 4D v13)
4D View Language ( 4D View v14 R2)
4D View Language ( 4D View v14)
4D View Language ( 4D View v14 R3)
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